Solutions Showcase - Cap Tables

Solutions Showcase: Cap Tables

May 22, 2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Webinar Recordings & Related Materials are Exclusive to Members

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Cap tables play a pivotal role in understanding the ownership distribution within your company and are a critical component for prospective investors during the due diligence phase. Need a cap table provider or wonder if there’s a better solution out there? Take advantage of this unique opportunity to experience 12 best-in-class cap table solution demos to ensure you’re making the best choice for your specific needs, budget, and growth stage.  

Key questions this webinar will answer:

  • What cap table solution is best for my company’s current stage? 
  • Who are the available cap table providers? 
  • What are the latest trends and innovations in cap table management? 


Part 1:

  • JP Morgan
  • Qapita
  • Carta
  • Pulley
  • Eqvista
  • Cake Equity

Part 2:

  • Mantle
  • AngelList
  • Morgan Stanley at Work
  • Insightsoftware
  • OptionTrax
  • Fidelity Private Shares

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